This monthly Health & Safety Bulletin is e-mailed to the WORKSAFE IOWA Associates, who then distribute it to their contacts. For more information, contact Kimberly Gordon at (319) 335-4423 or kimberly-gordon@uiowa.edu.
April Return-to-Work Strategies for Ill or Injured Employees
March Planning for a Safe Workplace: Fire Safety Tips
February How to Put Leading Indicators into Practice
January Outdoor Workers' Eyes and UV Exposure
December OSHA Seeks Public Comment on Safety & Health Guidelines
November Productive Aging and Work
October What is the Ergonomics Climate Assessment Tool?
September OSHA Standard Interpretation: The Use of Kinesiology Tape
August National Immunization Awareness Month
July Office Workers, "Take a Stand" for Health!
June Top 10 Costly Workplace Injuries
May Total Worker Health™
April Current Findings: Occupational Hearing Loss
March Cold Weather Occupational Safety and Health
February Female Workers and Occupational Health Problems
January OSHA Issues Per-Employee Fines for PPE Violation
December Use your EYES (Evaluation Your Entire Surroundings)
November OSHA Recordkeeping Updates Webinar
September Workplace Drug Use, Testing, Treatment
June June 2-6, 2014: National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction
May Workplace Redesign for Older Workers
April AEDs in the Workplace
March Properly Fitting (and Looking!) Protective Eyewear
February February 2-8: National Burn Awareness Week
January Prolonged Sitting at Work: Hazardous to Your Health
December Hand Hygiene = Healthier Workplace
November Helping Workers with Mental Illness Remain Productive
October Protect Those Precious Eyes (and not only in October)
September Can Fitness Screening be Unbiased?
August There's an App for That...
July Staying Awake Means Staying Alive
June "Safety Starts With Me"
May From a "Day" to a "Month"
April Teratology: the biological study of birth defects
March The Health Risk of Shift Work: We Know More Now
February Keeping Your Heart on the Job
January Work Comp Strategy for the Small Employer
December Transforming Workers’ Musculoskeletal Health
November The Value of Employer Drug Testing
October Occupational Eye Injuries
September Post-Job-Offer Physicals
August Human Performance Improvement Approach
July Employers Beware: 5 "Easy Hits"
June Respirators: As Good As The Fit
May Hazard Communication and more...
April Phone Hygiene, FLMA Advisor, and more....
March Emotional Toll of Working Long Hours and more...
February Blood Pressure Risks, OSHA Guidance for Winter Workers and more...
January Germs, DOT Random Testing, and more...